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Types of Backlinks? You Must have to know.

Backlinks are important; There is no doubt about it. Google has never revealed a complete list of search engine ranking factors in a...

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Types of Backlinks? You Must have to know.

Backlinks are important; There is no doubt about it.
Google has never revealed a complete list of search engine ranking factors in a particular order. However, from different ads and studies, we know that backlinks are the 3 main search engine ranking factors (content and RankBrain are the other two search engine ranking factors).
All webmasters, content marketing specialists and SEO experts fully understand the value of backlinks. However, most of them are not sure what constitutes a good and powerful backlink that drives their website in the search engine results pages (SERP).
Without understanding the differences between a good backlink and a backlink that would penalize your site is critical. In addition, when it comes to creating a link building strategy, you must be 100% sure of the types of backlinks you should follow and those that you should avoid.
In this blog post, we will highlight the differences between good backlinks and incorrect links that penalize your website.
For the sake of this article, we would divide backlinks into three categories:

• Level 1 (the best backlinks you can generate for your website)
• Level 2 (incorrect backlinks that you should avoid as much as possible)
• Level 3 (the worst of the worst. These backlinks would penalize your website with Google and other search engines)

 Let's start.

Level 1 Links
There are specific qualities that make a backlink become a "good" backlink. However, if you want it to be simple, remember this simple rule:
Any backlink that comes naturally to your site from the relevant and authorized source is, in most cases, a good backlink.
This is also known as "building organic bonds."
The creation of organic links drives you higher in the search engine results pages and makes your website more reliable and credible in the eyes of search engines. However, building organic links is also the hardest and slowest way to generate backlinks. That is why so many SEOs resort to spam and "easier" ways to do it.
Let's highlight some different types of level 1 backlinks.

Editorial feedback

Editorial backlinks are the most common type of level 1 backlinks. In this way, a journalist, editor or blogger creates a link to your website from a reliable source (well-established publication or blog).
A common aspect of this type of link building process is that everything happens organically and naturally. For example, I wouldn't even know about the journalist who creates a link to his website until he is ready. They do it just because they are so amazed at your website and the content it has on it.
This is the purest form of backlink that Google and all other search engines love!

Relationships based on relationships

Relationship-based backlinks are a slightly modified form of "editorial backlinks." In this way, a personal relationship leads to the process of creating a backlink.
This relationship could be built through an introduction with a journalist, blogger or content contributor. After identifying a source that provides genuine value, the blogger creates a backlink to your website.
The important point to keep in mind here is that, although the backlink is created due to some kind of relationship with the blogger, it still has to have the same amount of value and authenticity. Otherwise, the backlink will not be effective.

Guest blogging

Although not as powerful as before, guest blogging is a very original and powerful way to create high-quality layered One Backlinks.
Recently, Google has cracked down on guest posted websites that used this strategy to create backlinks, rather than providing real value to readers. Remember that the primary purpose of guest blogging is not to create backlinks. This is the true value paid to the readers of that blog.
The best strategy is to consider guest blogging as just a way to expand your brand and reach out to a wider audience rather than creating backlinks. Consider backlinks as a by-product of guest blogging - not an initial profit.

Niche directory

I know what you're thinking.
Directory? Are directories not SEO ban?
OK, you're right. General directories are dead and should always be avoided. However, niche directories are different, and they can be a great way to generate powerful backlinks to your website.
Niche directories can be a valuable source, especially when it comes to local SEO. Here are some high-quality niche directories:
The tip is to make sure that you write different descriptions that the audience finds useful. Do not automate directory submissions as these may result in spammy-looking backlinks. The same descriptive approach to the word is that Google hates and punishes.

Level 2 backlinks

Tier 2 backlinks are among the backlinks that you should generally avoid. They don't add much value to your biological rankings, and we expect that Google will underestimate them in the near future.
If you have the opportunity to create a lot of these backlinks with minimal effort, that's fine, but in our experience the time spent on Tier 2 backlinks is not worth it.

Guest posting on the scale

Posting a successful guest post takes a lot of time and effort.
 However, there are some people who write a post, publish it on a website, then "spin" the content, create dozens of modified versions and publish it on various websites to earn backlinks.
As you might imagine, trusted websites will not accept this kind of reproducible content. So they come across low-quality and often irrelevant websites that have nothing but dozens of ads on their webpages.
The problem with this strategy is that it does no favors to your brand. Second, it creates an easily identifiable pattern that Google can track with artificial intelligence. Therefore, this technique is best avoided.

Header, footer and sidebar links

Links from headers, footers, and sidebars are not valuable to Google. This is why sitewide links should be avoided.

Level 3 backlinks

Tier 3 backlinks are the worst of the worst. Creating these national backlinks will redirect your website to the search engine results pages.
Let's take a look at a few common Level 3 backlink types.

Links provided

Even if it is on a very small scale, buying links is still a terrific idea that you must avoid at any cost.
Because let's face the truth. Even if a website owner sells several backlinks to you, it's worth noting that they will sell more backlinks to more people. It engages you in a network you don't want to miss.
Google's algorithms can easily identify paid links. If you are dealing with the same network, even if you only buy a few backlinks, they will still consider you a criminal.

Comment spam

You can generate thousands of backlinks with comment spam, but it won't help you in any way.
Most backlinks from the comment sections are no follow up, which means they don't add any biological value. However, they can get you penalized with link-based penalties.
In addition, spamming comment sections on other websites can easily alienate other website owners, who would be happy to let you know on Google.

General directory

As mentioned earlier, the general directories are mostly spammy and should be avoided. As long as someone is willing to pay their fees, they allow anyone. This is another example of paid links.
And as these are easily identifiable, it's easy for Google to track any paid links that come to your website from this national directory.

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